Mission and Purpose

Clara B. Neal Lay Organization

The purpose of the Lay Organization is “to organize and train the laity of the African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church so that lay persons may maximally utilize their God given abilities and skills to improve and extend the kingdom to create happiness, peace and harmony among its members.” Guided by the A.M.E. Church’s Connectional Lay Theme: “Laity-Fulfilling the Great Commission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church,” and scriptural reference, Matthew 28: 16-20, the members of the Clara B. Neal (CBN) Lay Organization continually strive for improvement of self and service in order to fulfill that purpose.

Not only are the members of the CBN Lay Organization of Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church actively involved in events to promote the tenets of teaching, training, and social activism at the local church level, but actively participate in “kingdom-building” on the District and Connectional levels of the Lay Organization. The CBN Lay Organizational sponsors the Classes of Instruction Program which is either a four to eight- week curriculum designed to
introduce new members to the doctrine of African Methodism and to serve as a refresher course for current members of Allen Chapel A.M.E. Church.

Connectional Lay Organization Mission Statement:

The Lay Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is commissioned to teach, train and empower its members for Lay ministry, global leadership and service following the tenets of Jesus Christ

Below are the A.M.E. Doctrine and Discipline as it was printed in 1817, and the updated 2012 version which is still in publication.

doctrine 1 doctrine 2