Our Staff

Allen Chapel

Rev. Sharon Gibson

Dean to the Ministerial Staff

Rev Sharon R Gibson was born and raised in Hartford Connecticut (New England) serves as Allen Chapel’s Dean to the Ministerial Staff. The mission of the Dean is to enhance and assist the Ministerial Staff in keeping the unity of the staff. She also is the liaison between the Pastor and the Ministerial Staff.

Rev. Dorothy Walls

Minister to Women

Rev. Walls born and raised in Washington, DC serves as Allen Chapel’s Minster to Women. The purpose of Allen’s Women’s Ministry is to meet the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of the women of the church and the community. We gather to share time growing in the spiritual knowledge and love of God through his Word. As we grow in the word of God we will become empowered to live victorious lives through God’s Word. As a ministry, we desire that the women will develop strong and loving relationships first with God and then with one another. In addition, we strive to mentor the younger women. God’s design is for “older women to teach the younger women” (Titus 2) and to leave a legacy of godliness that may impact generations yet to come.

Rev. Cooper and Rev. Manigault

Ministers to the Missing Link Ministry

Both Rev. Cooper and Rev. Manigault born and raised in Washington DC ministers to the members of the MLM. The MLM provides extensive services, in the DMV, including but not limited to, Spiritual Counseling, Bible Study and Church Services, etc., to the men and women at the Halfway Houses, D.C. Jail, Upper Marlboro Jail, etc. These services are also extended to the Court Services Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA) Re-Entry Sanction Center. These services often-times spill over into supporting the children of this very special population. The MLM also realizes the importance of Restorative Justice to those persons who have been wronged, and to that end, we have conducted Workshops with both men and women who are incarcerated, by sharing with the accusers/offenders, the gravity of the damage/harm they inflicted on their victim(s), with an eye on the accuser/offender recognizing the importance of the damage, of their offenses and having them to take responsibility. Additionally, where the opportunity presents itself, the MLM have brought the ex-offender and the victim together to bring about healing.

Rev. Carole Ecton

Minister of the Welcoming ARMS Ministry

The Welcoming ARMS Ministry is a ministry that is working with people who are grieving due to the loss of a loved one. ARMS is an acronym for: Assistance, Reassurance, Motivation and Support, which is provided by a Christian-based ministry called GriefShare. It provides a thirteen week discussion session on DVD which addresses the needs and concerns of the participants. The Allen Facilitators help to guide the participants through their journey from “Mourning to Joy.” Our vision is to use our relationship with Christ to help those who have endured losses to heal.

Min. Yvonne T. Davis

Minister to Noon Day Prayer

Min. Davis born and raised in Washington, DC serves as the overseer to the Noon Day Prayer Ministry. Praying at noon day is just like Daniel, for we pray for healing, the despair and the lost, by entering into his presence with thanksgiving and praise. We also invite the Holy Spirit to come into our presence for a closer walk and personal relationship with Jesus. Noon Day Prayer is held every Second Wednesday of each month beginning at 12:00 P.M.

Rev. Lolita Turner

Minister to the "Ministry of Hope"

The Ministry of Hope provides encouragement, moral support, strength, and HOPE to men, women, and children. This ministry acts as a liaison, educator, and mentor to those in need of spiritual and material comfort and hope. This ministry is open to all, men, women, and children.

Rev. Gloria Chandler

Prison Fellowship Ministry, Angel Tree

This ministry partners with Prison Fellowship in Virginia to receive names of 200 children of an incarcerated parent. Information gathered from the inmate is forwarded to the caregiver of the children who will fill out a request of what the child/children want for Christmas and sends. Two weeks before Christmas, this ministry hosts a distribution party; the caregiver will bring the children to receive their gifts. We open the party with prayer and a light lunch is served. The children are entertained by a clown, Christian Puppet show, face painting and this year each child received the “you are Loved” Bible donated to this Ministry by the Family Christian book store. This ministry goes beyond Christmas; the ministry keeps in touch with some of the families to provide Spiritual guidance.

Rev. Shirley A. Gravely-Currie

Spiritual Advisor to the Cancer Support Ministry

Min. Roald Wilson Jr.

Minister of Information Technology and Media

Min.Wilson born and raised in Washington, DC serves as Allen Chapel’s Minister of Information Technology and Media. This ministry of the church is responsible for assuring that the needs of the church are met from a technological standpoint, while introducing and assisting in helping the ministry reach beyond the walls of the church.

Our Staff

Allen Chapel AME Ministerial Staff

Itinerant Elders:
Rev. Sharon Gibson
Rev. Perdita Johnson-Abercrombie
Rev. Kimberly Lewis
Rev. Debra Manigault

Itinerant Deacons:
Rev. Sylvester Barnes
Rev. Dr. Lubrina Bryant
Rev. Dennis DeLoach
Rev. Dorothy Walls
Rev. Michael L. Johnson, Jr.
Rev. Michael Bell, Jr.
Rev. Lolita Turner

Local Deacons:
Rev. John Thomas
Rev. Gloria Chandler
Rev. Patricia Calloway
Rev. Yvonne Cooper
Rev. Shirley A. Gravely-Currie
Rev. Carolyn Scales
Rev. Shirley Graham-Green
Rev. Carole Ecton
Rev. Deborah Joe-Ferguson

Lic. Richard Seabron
Lic. Mark Blair
Lic. Ronald Wilson, Jr.
Lic. Avery Johnson
Lic. Doris C. Kitchings
Lic Yvonne T. Davis
Lic. Moyer McCoy